CID’s Disability advocacy funding to end in 2020
Hi, Fiona McKenzie, CID Board member here. I am cranky with the Premier and the NSW Government.
We asked for secure, permanent funding for disability advocacy in NSW and we only got a commitment until July 2020.
We don’t want to be fighting for the survival of CID’s advocacy work again next year, we want to be out there doing great things to make life better for people like me with intellectual disability.
We have a great academic report from La Trobe University. It says CID is doing a really great advocacy work and has people with intellectual disability at the centre of everything we do.
So can you join me on the Don’t Silence Us campaign trail again and help persuade the Premier to be on our side?
- Can you meet with your local MP and take them a copy of our report?
- Can you watch our latest video and share it with your friends?
- And can you call the Premier on 02 8574 5000 and ask her – please – Don’t Silence Us!
To take action please go to our Don’t Silence Us campaign page.
Thank you for your help!
Fiona and the CID Advocacy Team
Find out more
- Don’t Silence Us campaign page.
- What is the value of disability advocacy?, about the academic report from LaTrobe University (including an Easy Read version)