

People with intellectual disability often feel excluded from the community.

We want a community where all people with intellectual disability are valued and included.

We wanted to teach the juvenile justice staff about cognitive disability and what issues young people with disability face.

What we are doing

All of our work at CID is about creating an inclusive society where everyone is valued.

Our staff member Alanna and board member Robert have both gone to the United Nations in New York to talk about inclusion on a global stage.

Our ‘More than Just a Job‘ project talks to people with intellectual disability and employers about mainstream employment for people with intellectual disability.

We work with organisations to help them include people with intellectual disability in their  practices, products and information.


Campaigns we have fought for inclusion of people with intellectual disability

Organisations benefit from our expert advice, inclusion audits, product testing and document translation.

Just like the 10 councils throughout NSW who approached us to work on their Disability and Inclusion Action Plans.

Our team tested the plans and translated them into Easy Read so that they are now accessible to everyone.


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