Looking after your health during Coronavirus

31 July 2020
  • CID wrote this during COVID lockdowns.

  • Some of this information has changed now.

  • This is still on our website to show what CID was doing during COVID lockdowns.

  • This Easy Read guide is about things you can do to stay healthy.

    It says what other people need to do to keep you healthy.

  • These people include

    • Health people and
    • Disability support workers
  • To stay safe from coronavirus

    • Keep a big space between you and other people
    • Wash your hands with soap and warm water often
    • Stay home if you feel sick
  • Symptoms

    People who have Coronavirus may

    • Have a cough or sore throat
    • Have a fever• Find it hard to breathe
    • Find it hard to smell and taste things

    These things are called symptoms.

    Some people might have all the symptoms.

    Other people might only have a few or no symptoms.

  • If you feel sick call your GP or the National Coronavirus Helpline on 1800 020 080.

    If it is an emergency call 000.

  • You can still get sick with other things during Coronavirus.

    It is important to look after your health.

  • Your health

    How to look after your physical health

    Go to your GP for regular checks even if you do not feel sick.

  • Visit your health specialist if you have one.

  • How to look after your mental health

    You can talk to someone you trust about how you feel.

    You can talk to a

    • Friend or family member
    • GP or counsellor
    • Support worker
  • News

    It is important to get news about Coronavirus.

  • But too much news can make people worry.

    Try not to watch or read too much news.

  • Remember to

    • Eat healthy food
    • Exercise
    • Get good sleep every night
  • Your GP

    You must be able to access your GP during Coronavirus.

  • Your GP might

    • See you in person
    • Talk to you on the phone or
    • Talk to you on the computer with video
  • A nurse giving an injection to a patient

    These are some things your GP can do

    • Do a check up to make sure you are healthy
    • Give you the flu vaccine

    Your GP should

    • Give you information about Coronavirus
    • Give you information on how to look after yourself
  • What hospital staff must do

    People who work in hospital must

    • Take time to find out what is wrong
    • Speak to you clearly
    • Listen to you
    • Ask you how you like to get information
  • People you trust can visit you in hospital.

    They can help you understand what is going on.

  • Health people must ask you how you like to make choices.

  • What health people must do

    All health people must

    • Take the time to understand you
    • Give you extra time if you need it
    • Talk with you in a way you can understand
    • Use Easy Read to explain things to you
    • Treat you with respect
  • All health people must let you choose if you want family or support workers with you.

  • Health people can get more info from health.gov.au

  • What disability support workers must do

    Your disability support workers must

    1. Be trained to keep you safe
    2. Give you information you understand
    3. Support you to get the flu vaccine
    4. If they have Coronavirus or think they have it they must get someone else to support you
  • Your support worker must

    • Wash their hands with warm water and soap often
    • Cough or sneeze into a tissue or their elbow
    • Try to keep a big distance from you
  • Your disability support workers must also look after your health.

  • They must

    1. Support you to see health people such as your GP or psychologist
    2. Help you get treated for health problems
    3. Support you to exercise and do activities
    4. Check how you are feeling
    5. Help you keep in touch with friends and family
  • Complaints

    If your support worker is not trying to keep you safe from Coronavirus you can complain.

  • You can complain to the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission

    Call 1800 035 544

    Go to ndiscommission.gov.au

  • Support workers can get more information from health.gov.au

  • For more information contact CID

    Call 1800 424 065 or

    email info@cid.org.au

    This information is funded by the National Disability Insurance Agency.

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