New health fact sheets in Easy Read
6 health fact sheets available to download
We have some new health resources to share.
There are now 6 new Easy Read fact sheets on our website.
They are about:
- Your right to good health care
- Yearly health checks
- Types of health checks
- Caring for your teeth
- Chronic health plans
- Types of health services.
Laura Naing has intellectual disability and works as a Project Worker in CID’s health team.
Laura tells us why these health fact sheets are so important.
“Looking after your health is so important.
It helps you to stay healthy and enjoy your life.
It’s important people with intellectual disability can access information online.
Information about health services or organisations that can help you.
This helps you know how to stay healthy and where to get help.”
Laura talks about accessible information
The fact sheets were co-designed with people with intellectual disability.
“At CID I do co-design to make sure that important tips and solutions are included.
Co-designing resources makes sure that the information is good and useful.
I make sure things are easy read so everyone can access information.
Easy read is for everyone who wants it!
This is for people with intellectual disability, CALD people, service providers – even for doctors!
I’m working to make things better and change them.”
Laura tells us about CID’s resources
“CID’s resources are helpful.
CID’s website is easy for people to use.
So they can find the information they need.
It has great resources.”
You can find all of these fact sheets in the resources section in our website.
You can read them online or download them.
The factsheets are funded by the Australian Government Department of Health.