Open letter to parties contesting the federal election 2019
Over 120 eminent health professionals, academics and community leaders have signed our open letter to parties contesting the federal election 2019 about the health of people with intellectual disability.
Here is what they say:
We write to urge you to commit to strong action to address the physical and mental health inequalities experienced by people with intellectual disability. These inequalities are long-standing but the urgency of action has been reinforced by the recent research showing that at least 38 percent of deaths of people with intellectual disability were potentially avoidable. This is over double the rate for the general population. (Trollor 2017, Public Advocate Qld 2016)
Concerted action is needed to lift the capacity of the health system to provide accessible and appropriate health care to people with intellectual disability of all ages and in all parts of Australia.
An immediate priority is enhancement of the training and skills of the health workforce including an emphasis on preventative care and early diagnosis of health conditions by general practitioners.
We support the call of the Council for Intellectual Disability and Inclusion Australia for you to commit to funding:
- A program in each Primary Health Network focused on enhancing the capacity and skills of GPs and other primary health services to provide quality health care to people with intellectual disability.
- Development and piloting of a curriculum enhancement
The full list of signatories is below.
Go to the Our Health Counts campaign page to take action for the health of people with intellectual disability.
Full list of signatories
Professor Michael Kidd AM
Director, WHO Collaborating Centre on Family Medicine and Primary Care
Past president, Royal Australian College of General Practitioners
Past President, World Organization of Family Doctors
Associate Professor Mark Lane FRACP
President, Royal Australasian College of Physicians
Dr Kym Jenkins
President, Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists
Professor Kevin Forsyth
President, Academy of Child and Adolescent Health
Dean, People and Resources, College of Medicine and Public Health, Flinders University
Eimear Muir-Cochrane
President, Australian College of Mental Health Nurses
Professor of Nursing, Flinders University
Adjunct Professor John Walsh AM
Associate Commissioner on the Productivity Commission Inquiry into Disability Care and Support
Robyn Kruk AO
Former Director-General, NSW Health and Premier’s Department
Former CEO, National Mental Health Commission
Emeritus Professor Ron McCallum AO
Former Dean of Law, University of Sydney
Past Chairperson, UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Rhonda Galbally AC
Robert Strike AM
Cofounder, Self Advocacy Sydney
Lifetime Achievement Award, National Disability Awards 2009
Graeme Innes AM
Former Disability Discrimination Commissioner
Past Chair, Disability Advisory Council of Australia
Dr Peter Langkamp
President, Carers Australia
Liz Marles
Past President, Royal Australian College of General Practitioners
Professor Shitij Kapur
Dean of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences
Assistant Vice Chancellor (Health), University of Melbourne
Professor Rodney Phillips
Dean of Medicine, UNSW Sydney
Former Vice-Dean of Medical Sciences, Oxford University
Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences
Peter Brooks
Hon Professor, Centre for Health Policy, and
Former Director, the Australian Health Workforce Institute, University of Melbourne
Former Executive Dean of Health Sciences, University of Queensland
Professor Helen McCutcheon
Head, School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work
University of Queensland
Leslie White AM
Emeritus Professor of Paediatrics, UNSW Sydney
Former Executive Director Sydney Children’s Hospital
Inaugural NSW Chief Paediatrician (2010-2016)
Inaugural Chair, NSW Intellectual Disability Health Network (2012-2017)
Stephen Leeder AO
Emeritus Professor, Public Health and Community Medicine, University of Sydney
Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Epidemiology
Ian Webster AO
Emeritus Professor of Public Health and Community Medicine, UNSW
Gordon Parker AO
Scientia Professor of Psychiatry, UNSW
Eileen Baldry
Deputy Vice Chancellor Inclusion and Diversity
Professor of Criminology, UNSW
Allan Fels AO
Patron, Mental Health Victoria
Former Chair, National Mental Health Commission
Professor Fiona Stanley AC
Founding Director, Telethon Kids Institute
Australian of the Year 2003
Kirsten Deane OAM
Campaign Director, Every Australian Counts
Ross Joyce
CEO, Australian Federation of Disability Organisations
Matthew Bowden and Therese Sands
Co-CEOs, People With Disability Australia
Frank Quinlan
CEO, Mental Health Australia
David Moody
A/CEO, National Disability Services
Michael Sullivan
Past Chairperson, Council for Intellectual Disability
Australian representative, Down Syndrome International Self Advocacy Group
Scientia Professor Helen Christensen
Director and Chief Scientist, Black Dog Institute
Kim Oates AM
Emeritus Professor, University of Sydney
Former CEO of Children’s Hospital at Westmead
Professor John Prins
Head, Melbourne Medical School
University of Melbourne
Emeritus Professor John Daly
Former Dean of Health, University of Technology Sydney
Former Head, WHO UTS Collaborating Centre for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Development
Alison Jones
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Health and Communities) and
Executive Dean, Faculty of Science, Medicine and Health, University of Wollongong
Professor Iain Graham
Dean of Health, Southern Cross University
Emeritus Professor Bruce Tonge
Former Director, Monash University Centre for Developmental Psychiatry and Psychology
Laurie Harkin AM
Emeritus Commissioner, Disability Services Commission, Victoria
Steve Kinmond,
Former Community and Disability Services Commissioner and Deputy Ombudsman NSW
Roger West AM
Former President, Guardianship Tribunal NSW
Former Community Services Commissioner NSW
Mary Burgess
Public Advocate Queensland
Professor Malcolm Hopwood
Past President, RANZCP
President of the Asian Federation of Psychiatric Associations
Maria Tomasic
Past President, RANZCP
Laura Hogan
President, Australasian Society for Intellectual Disability
Dr Linda Goddard
President, Professional Association of Nurses in Developmental Disabilities Australia (PANDDA)
Kevin Stone
Parent advocate, President Inclusion Australia and CEO, VALID
Catia Malaquias
Human Rights Award – Community Individual 2018
National Disability Award for Community Excellence 2017
Ann Sherry AO
Chair, UNICEF Australia
Emeritus Professor John Taplin
Former Pro Vice-Chancellor International, University of Adelaide
Claire Robbs
CEO, Life Without Barriers
Jo Toohey
CEO, The Benevolent Society
Professor Christine Bigby
Director, Living with Disability Research Centre and
Chair, Academic Board, La Trobe University
Emeritus Professor Errol Cocks
School of Occupational Therapy, Social Work & Speech Pathology
Curtin University
Professor Karen Fisher
Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW
Professor Bruce Bonyhady AM
Executive Chair and Director, Melbourne Disability Institute, University of Melbourne
Professor Gwynnyth Llewellyn
Co-Director, NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence in Disability and Health, University of Sydney
Head, WHO Collaborating Centre for Health Workforce Development in Rehabilitation and Long Term Care
Professor Anne Kavanagh
Co-Director, NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence in Disability and Health, University of Melbourne
Professor Richard Madden
Director, National Centre for Classification in Health, University of Sydney
Professor Carla Treloar
Director, Centre for Social Research in Health, UNSW
Professor Richard Bruggemann
College of Nursing and Health Sciences, Flinders University
Former CEO, Intellectual Disability Services Council, SA
Trevor Parmenter AM
Professor Emeritus, Sydney Medical School
Past President, International Association for the Study of Intellectual Disability
Monique Crowden
Self advocate and President, Speak Out Tasmania
Shu Hua Chan
Chairperson, Council for Intellectual Disability
Dell Stagg OAM
Parent advocate and President, SACID
Margaret Ward PSM
Parent advocate and past Deputy Chair, Disability Advisory Council of Australia
Harry McConnell
Director Institute for the Clinical Advancement of Neuroplasticity and
Clinical Sub Dean and Professor of Neuropsychiatry and Neurodisability,
Griffith University
Stewart Einfeld
Emeritus Professor, Brain & Mind Centre
University of Sydney
Joanna Quilty
Morrie O’Connor
Co-ordinator, Community Living Association
Chair, ASID Queensland Division
Professor Nick Lennox
Past President, Australian Association of Developmental Disability Medicine
Former Director, Queensland Centre on Intellectual and Developmental Disability
Dr Helen Beange AM
Founder, Developmental Disability Health Unit
Adj Associate Professor Bob Davis
Director Clinical Services, Centre for Developmental Disability Health, Melbourne
Minister for Health General Practitioner Award 2014
Keith McVilly
Professor of Disability and Inclusion, University of Melbourne
Roger Stancliffe
Professor of Intellectual Disability, Centre for Disability Research and Policy, University of Sydney
Past Editor, Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability
Teresa Iacono
Professor of Rural and Regional Allied Health, La Trobe University
Jeanette Moss AM
Parent advocate and former Chair, Council for Intellectual Disability
Belinda Epstein-Frisch AM
Family advocate
Jeremy Ward
Parent advocate and first CEO, Queensland Advocacy Incorporated
Phil Foreman AM
Emeritus Professor and former Dean of Education, University of Newcastle
Emeritus Professor Robert Conway
Former Dean of Education, Flinders University
Former Director, Special Education Centre, University of Newcastle
Iva Strnadová
Professor of Special Education and Disability Studies and Academic Lead Research, Disability Innovation Institute, UNSW
Professor Michael Arthur-Kelly
School of Education University of Newcastle
Donna Best
Self-advocate and Convenor, Brisbane Hot Topics Group
Janene Cootes AM
Executive Officer, Intellectual Disability Rights Service
Andrew Richardson
CEO, House With No Steps
Danielle Newport
CEO, Activ
Gordon Trewern
CEO, Nulsen Disability Services
Andrew Cashin
Professor of Nursing, Southern Cross University
Rob Moodie
Professor of Public Health, University of Melbourne
Professor Angus Buchanan
Head of School of Occupational Therapy, Social Work and Speech Pathology,
Curtin University
Eric Emerson
Emeritus Professor of Disability and Health Research, Lancaster University
Honorary Professor, Centre for Disability Research and Policy, University of Sydney
Professor W Ted Brown
President, Fragile X Association of Australia Inc
Former Director, New York State Institute for Basic Research (IBR) in Developmental Disabilities
Professor Julian Trollor
Chair, Intellectual Disability Mental Health and
Head, Department of Developmental Disability Neuropsychiatry, School of Psychiatry, UNSW Sydney
Jacqueline Small
Developmental Paediatrician
President, Australian Association of Developmental Disability Medicine
Michelle O’Flynn
Director, Queensland Advocacy Incorporated
Paige Armstrong
CEO, Queenslanders with Disability Network
Eric Greentree
President, Parent to Parent Queensland
Mal Cronstedt AFSM
Chair, Developmental Disability WA
Fiona McKenzie
Past Chairperson, Council for Intellectual Disability
Ambassador 2009, Don’t DIS My ABILTY
Leisa Hart
CEO, Disability Services Australia
Rachel Green
CEO, Independent Community Living Association Australia
Jaqui Mills
Parent advocate and finalist in Western Australian of the Year awards 2018
Alan Robinson
Parent advocate
Gail Mulcair
CEO, Speech Pathology Australia
Jon Isaacs
Chair. Ability Options
Margaret Bowen
CEO, The Disability Trust
Professor Bronwyn Hemsley,
Head of Speech Pathology, University of Technology Sydney
Professor Susan Balandin
Chair in Disability and Inclusion, Deakin University
Professor Jill Wilson AO
Director of Research, School of Midwifery, Nursing and Social Work, University of Queensland
Professor Patricia O’Brien
Director, Centre for Disability Studies, Sydney Medical School
Former Director, National Institute for Intellectual Disability, Trinity College, Dublin
Associate Professor Jennifer Smith-Merry
Director, Centre for Disability Research and Policy
University of Sydney
Associate Professor Sally Robinson
Centre for Children and Young People, Southern Cross University
Honorary Professor Kelley Johnson
Social Policy Research Centre UNSW and
School of Health and Social Development, Deakin University
Professor Leanne Dowse
Chair, Intellectual Disability Behaviour Support, UNSW
Angus Graham OAM
Chairman, Down Syndrome Australia
Paul O’Dea
Self-advocate and Director, (Queensland Division Representative) ASID
Robert Allen
Parent advocate and Chair, Speak Out Tasmania
Glenn Foard
CEO, Melba Support Services
Marina Re
CEO, Identity WA
Dr Rhonda Faragher
Deputy Head, School of Education and
Director, Down Syndrome Research Program, University of Queensland
Dr Jane Tracy
Director, Centre for Developmental Disability Health Victoria
Associate Professor David Harley
Director, Queensland Centre for Intellectual and Developmental Disability
Cecile Sullivan Elder
CEO, Family Advocacy NSW
Michael Bleasedale
CEO, ADACAS Advocacy
Adj Associate Professor Leanne Raven FAICD
Parent Advocate; Director, Port Phillip Specialist School Foundation
Past Chairman, Eastern Melbourne Medicare Local Founding Director, Eastern Melbourne PHN
Endorsements as at 25 March 2019
Contact Jim Simpson, Senior Advocate, Council for Intellectual Disability
02 92111611 jim@cid.org.au.