The health team travel to Maitland
Recently Pablo, Justen, Steve and Nicole from the CID Health team travelled to Maitland Hospital to meet with Aboriginal Liaison Officers about a workshop we will be running in October.
Aboriginal Liaison Officers are health professionals who support people who are Aboriginal in hospital to make sure they get the right health care.
The Aboriginal Liaison Officers told us about
- Their stories
- How they would like to know more about intellectual disability
- What resources they want to use.
We spoke about CID and all the work we do to support people with intellectual disability.
Justen shared his lived experiences and advice for health professionals.
We all agreed we want Aboriginal people with intellectual disability to enjoy better health outcomes.
In October we will run a face to face inclusive health workshop for Aboriginal Liaison Officers from the Hunter New England Local Health District.
A big thank you to the Aboriginal Liaison Officer network for sharing their time, space and ideas with us. Ottika lana pura! This means we’ll talk soon in Aniwan language from the Northern Tablelands in NSW.