eNews June 2024 in Easy Read

  • Our CEO Georgina resigned.

    Resigned means she has left her job.

  • She needs to be with her family overseas.

  • We are sad she is going.

    We wish Georgina all the best.

  • Tracy Wright will be the CEO for now.

  • She will be the CEO until the end of July.

  • Tracy has been CEO before.

    She knows how to do it.

  • The Board will look for a new CEO.

How to use the My Health Appointment form

How to use the My Health Matters folder

  • The My Health Matters folder can support you to talk to health workers about your health.

  • It can support you to

    • Show health workers how you like to communicate
    • Talk to health workers about what your health is like
    • Tell health workers about medicines you take
    • Keep track of your health workers and their contact details
    • Show health workers how you are feeling.
  • We made a video about how you can use the My Health Matters Folder.

From the archives – Dancer, Director and Dreamer

Learn 2 Lead

  • Learn 2 Lead is a CID Board group.

  • You can learn more about the CID Board groups here.

  • Learn 2 Lead is meeting on Thursday 18 July.

  • It is for members of CID.

  • Members can come online or in person.

  • If you want to join Learn 2 Lead

Customised Employment videos

  • Imagine More made some videos about Customised Employment.

  • Customised Employment is when a company makes a job for a person.

  • They think about the person and their

    • skills
    • interests.
  • This means the job works well for everyone.

  • You can watch the videos here.

International Day of People with Disability story tellers

  • International Day of People with Disability is on 3 December.

  • The ABC wants to have some stories ready for the day.

  • They want to support people with disability to tell their stories.

  • They can help people make stories with

    • writing
    • sound recordings
    • videos
    • pictures.
  • You can apply to tell your story here.

  • If you need help to apply you can email ABCInclusive@abc.net.au.

  • You have to apply by midnight on Monday 8 July.

Dulcie Stone Writers Competition

  • The Dulcie Stone Writers Competition is for writers with intellectual disability.

  • The theme this year is dreaming.

  • You can write a story about dreaming and send it in.

  • You could win prize money.

  • You have to send in your story by Monday 2 September.

Study about sexuality

  • Some researchers at University of Sydney want to talk to

    • people with intellectual disability
    • age 18 or older.
  • They want to know what you think about

    • sex
    • relationships
  • They have a survey you can fill out.

  • They also want to interview people.

  • You can find out more in this fact sheet.

  • You can fill out this page to let them know if you are interested.

Disability Dialogue survey

National Carers Survey

  • Carers NSW wants to hear from carers.

  • Carers are people who support someone they care about to do things they need help with in daily life.

  • This could be a

    • friend
    • family member
  • You might have carers.

    You can tell them about the survey.

  • You might be a carer yourself.

  • If you are a carer you can learn more about the survey here.

Got a question?

  • Our friendly team can answer your questions.

    They can help you find the information you need.

    Call us on 1800 424 065.

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