Angus Johnstone, Natasha and local filmmaker Jason.

Loveable characters share their stories in Broken Hill

15 May 2017

Recently I met some amazing people in Broken Hill while shooting another of our popular Shared Stories videos. Meet some of these loveable characters below.

Recently was in Broken Hill to film a Shared Story with popular local identity, Angus Johnstone.

Angus is “a delightful young man who makes my heart leap with joy” according to his TAFE teacher Polly.

Angus bought an autograph book at a local gift shop called Rose and Lou’s Place. Lou said that “everyone knows and loves Angus because he’s so polite and cheery. He brightens up my day.”

Lou and Angus

Natasha Bearman, who works for Ability Links, was one of the first people to write in Angus’s new autograph book.

Natasha’s comment in Angus’s book

While in town, we hosted a stall for the It’s My Life, My Choice Expo.

Tammy at the Expo

I continued to meet lots of friendly locals including ‘Ace’ (Alan Stevenson) who was passing through the town square and stopped by to say hello.

‘Ace’ (Alan Stevenson)

Ace was a train driver. He dreamed of driving trains from the age of six.

Since his retirement, Ace has followed another passion, cooking. In the ‘90s, he won three consecutive blue ribbons at the Broken Hill Show for his ‘easy whip sponge’. Ace says the secret is ‘aeration’. Whipping eggs and sugar, he puts the “mix master on full speed and lets it go for 20.”

Thank you Broken Hill, we’ll be back soon!


By Tammy Burnstock, our storyteller.

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