The building blocks for the peer movement

22 June 2018

A group of Team Up peer workers came together in Newcastle recently to talk about their experience of facilitating Team Up peer support training and how they can continue to build a peer movement.

The peer workers have been facilitating Team Up peer support training over the last  six months.

They were asked to write down on a wooden block what they think they bring to their peer training sessions.

They quickly realised that everyone brings something different and that collectively, these skills can help build a peer movement!

Some of the traits people shared included: leadership, voice, support, encouragement, creativity, empathy and hope.

Christine Field (pictured below) facilitates the Deaf Peers Hunter group.

She has made Team Up peer support training accessible for the deaf community in Newcastle. Christine felt that she brings “confidence” to her sessions.

Christine with a block that reads confidence

The facilitators also shared the highs and lows of their training sessions as well as their most embarrassing moments!

A tower made out of blocks

Find out more

If you want to learn more about peer support, email us at or call us on 1800 424 065.

See our peer support resources to find out more about peer support.

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