My Health Matters


A person with intellectual disability at the psychologist's office. She is holding the My Health Matters folder.My Health Matters is an Easy Read folder made to improve communication between people with an intellectual disability, supporters and health workers.

This is a folder for you to keep all of your health information.

You can use it to write what you want people to know about you and your health needs.

You can fill it out before to going to a health appointment.

You can fill it out with a supporter if needed.

You can take it with you when you see your doctor or health worker.

You can use it to tell your health worker how to support you in health appointments.

The My Health Matters folder is made by people with disability for people with disability.

The My Health Matters folder is now translated into Vietnamese, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese, with more languages coming soon.


A health worker and a patient look at the My Health Matters folder together.About the folder

The folder has 3 parts

1. About me

2. My medical information

3. Tools for my appointment

You can choose the pages you want to fill in. You do not have to use all the pages in the folder.

How Laura and Quang use the My Health Matters folder

How Brody uses the My Health Matters Folder