The Disability Royal Commission calls for more independence for people with disability through supported decision making (SDM). CID Project Worker Ricky Kremer told the Royal Commission: Decision making is a…
Read moreSupported decision making gives people with disability freedom and independence. Listen to Ricky, Kane, Sammy and Frank talk about why it is important for them to make their own decisions….
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…receive decision support and adjustments in the decision making process, their capability to make their own decisions is enhanced. Decision making capability = the individual person + supporters + adjustments….
Read moreThis is CID’s Supported Decision Making Framework. Supported decision making means to help someone take steps to make more of their own decisions. Supported decision making is about people with…
Read moreThis is CID’s Easy Read Supported Decision Making Framework. It shows how people with intellectual disability should be supported when making decisions. Supported decision making is when someone helps you…
Read moreThese are sets of cards to help you talk with your supporters. They were made to help you make more of your own decisions. There are six sets of cards….
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…It is about supported decision making. Everyone should be able to make their own decisions. People with intellectual disability should have the support they need to make their own decisions….
Read moreIn this video, Sammy, who has intellectual disability, talks about the relationship she has with her partner Ben. She talks about how they make decisions together and the role of…
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