eNews July 2024 in Easy Read

Looking back at My Rights Matter

  • My Rights Matter was a project CID did about supported decision making.

  • Supported decision making is when someone supports you to make your own decisions.

  • The project finished in June 2024.

  • You can still get the information about supported decision making on the CID website.

  • You can read about some of the things My Rights Matter did during the project.

Plain English Acknowledgement of Country Guide

  • An Acknowledgement of Country is a way to show respect for First Nations people.

  • CID made a Plain English guide talking about

    • What an acknowledgement of country is
    • Why it is important
    • How to do an acknowledgement of country.
  • You can download the guide here.

  • You might want to read it with support.

Podcast - Sparkles, Strength and Speaking Up

  • Leigh Creighton is a CID member.

  • He does a lot of things like

    • Speaking up about the environment
    • Speaking up about disability
    • Giving speeches to large groups
    • Lifting weights
    • Doing drag as a straight drag queen.
  • Leigh spoke at the World Down Syndrome Congress this month.

  • We interviewed Leigh for the Visibility podcast in May 2023.

Board groups

  • These CID Board groups are coming up in August.

  • You can learn more about the CID Board groups here.

  • The Advocacy Group is meeting on Thursday 8 August.

  • It is for members of CID.

  • Members can come online or in person.

  • If you want to join the Advocacy Group

  • Learn 2 Lead is meeting on Thursday 15 August.

  • It is for members of CID.

  • Members can come online or in person.

  • If you want to join Learn 2 Lead

Australian Digital Health Agency survey

  • People with Disability Australia is looking for people to do a survey about

    • My Health Record
    • My Health App
    • Electronic prescriptions.
  • You can do the survey here.

  • The survey is not in Easy Read.

    You may need support to fill it in.

  • This survey will close on Thursday 25 July 2024.

Learn and Lead Group

  • Down Syndrome Australia is part of the National Centre of Excellence in Intellectual Disability Health.

    We will say the Centre for short.

  • They are looking for 10 people with intellectual disability to join a group called Learn and Lead.

  • This group will help the Centre do their work.

  • You can join Learn and Lead to

    • Be a leader
    • Help guide projects
    • Share your ideas to make health services better
    • Learn new skills
    • Work with a team
    • Make new friends
    • Get paid for your time.
  • The Centre wants this group to have a lot of different people in it such as

    • First Nations people
    • People from different cultures
    • People who live in rural areas
    • LGBTIQA+ people
    • People who need help with communicating.
  • You can learn more and apply for Learn and Lead here.

  • You have to apply by Friday 26 July at 5pm.

National Centre of Excellence in Intellectual Disability Health conference

  • The National Centre of Excellence in Intellectual Disability Health works to make health care better for people with intellectual disability.

    We call it the Centre for short.

  • The Centre is having its first conference.

    A conference is a meeting of people who want to learn about the same thing.

  • The conference will be online.

  • The conference will be on Wednesday 21 August and Thursday 22 August.

  • People at the conference will talk about

    • How the Centre works
    • What is important to the Centre
    • What the Centre is doing
  • Things the Centre has learned so far

    • Important information about health.
  • The conference is for

    • People with intellectual disabilityThis includes First Nations people with intellectual disability
    • People who support people with intellectual disability with their health care.This might be family or friends or support workers.
    • People who work with people with intellectual disability
  • People who work in health care like people who work at hospitals or health clinics.

    • People who do research about people with intellectual disability.
  • You can register for the conference here.

Study about sexuality

  • Researchers at University of Sydney want to talk to

    • people with intellectual disability
    • who are aged 18 or older.
  • They want to know what you think about

    • sex
    • relationships
  • They have a survey you can fill out.

  • They also want to interview people.

  • You can find out more in this fact sheet.

  • You can fill out this page to let them know if you are interested.

Down Syndrome Australia survey

  • Down Syndrome Australia wants to hear from people with Down syndrome.

  • They want to know about how people with Down syndrome like to get

    • information
    • support.
  • The survey is in Easy Read.

  • You can do the survey here.

Palliative care toolkits

  • 3DN at UNSW has some new resources about palliative care.

  • Palliative care is help for people who have a serious health problem they will die from.

    Palliative care helps people to live well.

  • This Toolkit was made to support people with intellectual disability to get good palliative care.

  • The Easy Read story tells a story about someone getting good palliative care.

  • You can see all the palliative care resources here.

Having a Say Conference expressions of interest

  • Having a Say is a conference for people with intellectual disability.

  • The conference happens every year in Geelong.

  • In 2025 the conference will be from 28 January to 30 January.

  • The theme is Our Lives, Our Voices.

  • The conference is looking for people to do

    • performances
    • presentations
    • workshops.
  • Fill out the form at the link and send it in to apply.

  • You need to get your application in by Friday 30 August.

  • You can ask for more time if you need to.

Dulcie Stone Writers Competition

  • The Dulcie Stone Writers Competition is for writers with intellectual disability.

  • The theme this year is dreaming.

  • You can write a story about dreaming and send it in.

  • You could win prize money.

  • You can learn more here.

  • You have to send in your story by Monday 2 September.

Got a question?

  • Our friendly team can answer your questions.

    They can help you find the information you need.

    Call us on 1800 424 065.

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