Announcing our exciting new resources

27 June 2018

Council for Intellectual Disability is thrilled to announce our new resources: the My Health Matters folder and me360 cards.

me360 cards

me360 cards help young people with disability to have conversations about the important things in their lives.

Each me360 card asks a question that will help you think about your strengths and goals, and what you need to live a good life.

The cards are useful during times of change and when planning for NDIS meetings.

More about me360 cards.

My Health Matters folder

My Health Matters helps you explain to doctors and other health people what is important to you.

My Health Matters is an Easy Read folder, made by people with intellectual disability for people with disability.

The folder helps you communicate in a way that suits you.

Here are some ways it can help you:

  • It lets people know if you use an app, picture board, sign language or your voice to communicate
  • It will help you explain if you need someone to stick to one topic at a time
  • It has a place for you to write your questions for the doctor

Your health matters, so use this handy folder to stay healthy.

To get a my health matters folder, visit our order form.


GP Flowchart

We have created a flowchart to assist GPs and health professionals determine the eligibility of their patient for the NDIS. Included on the rear of the flowchart is further information on the National Disability Insurance Agency and the NDIS application process. Download the flowchart at our GP page.

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