Disability Advocacy in NSW Review
26 September 2019
As you know the Government has only guaranteed funding for disability advocacy in NSW until 30 June 2020.
The newly established NSW Ageing and Disability Commissioner is doing a review of disability advocacy in NSW in order to make recommendations to government on future funding.
We hope the review will recommend a secure, long-term funding commitment from Government so that we can continue the important work we do.
Is Disability Advocacy important to you?
Do you want to have your say and make a submission?
There are three ways to have your say:
- Online consultation website
- Phone 02 4904 7500 (Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm)
- Mail: NSW Ageing and Disability Commission, PO Box 40; Parramatta NSW 2124
You can also contact advocacy@cid.org.au if you need more help with your submission.
Submissions close on 18 October 2019.