Do you know about abuse in group homes?

13 December 2019
  • The Disability Royal Commission wants to know about

    • violence
    • abuse
    • neglect
    • exploitation

    in group homes.

  • They want to know things like

    • Are group homes a good place to live
    • Why do we have group homes
    • How to keep people in group homes safe
  • The Commission wants to talk to people about how things can be better.

    They will ask things like

    • How can we stop abuse in group homes
    • Do you know about restrictive practices
    • What would make a group homes better
  • You can read all the questions in the Commission’s group homes issues paper.

    The paper has more information to help you know about abuse in group homes.

  • If you want to answer the questions about abuse and neglect in education you can call the Commission on 1800 517 199

  • You may find it difficult to talk about abuse in group homes.

    You can get support before you talk to the Commission.

    To find a support service go to the Commission’s website.

  • Find out more about the Disability Royal Commission.

    If you have any questions please call us on 1800 424 065.

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