CID’s Election asks for 2023
It is election time in New South Wales. What are the parties promising people with intellectual disability?
The New South Wales election is only weeks away. CID wants the political parties to commit to action on issues that are important to our members.
In November, we launched our Everyday For Everyone campaign. Our chair Fiona Mackenzie AM asked the Premier and the Opposition Leader, “What are you doing about disability inclusion in New South Wales?”
In the campaign, CID has asked the political parties to promise to:
- make government information easy to find and easy to use for people with intellectual disability
- make public transport easy to use
- employ people with intellectual disability in government services
- move leadership of disability inclusion from the Department of Communities and Justice to the Department of Premier and Cabinet
- set up a disability inclusion fund to help action on inclusion.
We have also asked for promises on three other issues:
- work with CID and other community groups to update guardianship legislation. We need to bring the legislation into line with modern approaches to supported decision making and respect the choices of people with disability
- make government health services more skilled in working with people with intellectual disability
- increase the availability of specialised intellectual disability health services to backup GPs and hospitals

Since November, CID has met with many Ministers and Shadow Ministers, Opposition Leader Chris Minns and a senior advisor to the Premier. We have met with the NSW Greens.
Now, we want the parties to say where they stand.
Read CID’s full election asks.

Can you help by lobbying the Premier and the Leader of the Opposition and asking them to support these important election asks?
Please phone or email the Premier, Dominic Perrottet:
Please phone or email the Leader of the Opposition, Chris Minns:
- Email Chris Minns
- Phone: (02) 9230 2310
If you need support to contact the Premier or the Leader of the Opposition, please give us a call on 1800 424 065 or email us.
Let’s make sure the voice of people with intellectual disability is heard in this election.