Everyone has the right to a safe, good service
It is important for people with disability to speak up if something is wrong with their NDIS service.
Some people with disability have not had a choice about their support services before.
Some people do not know they have a right to good services.
Some people find it hard to know what is good service and what is bad service.
We have developed the Your Service Your Rights conversation cards to help people understand and speak up to get good services.
“It’s good to know how a good support worker can help. If you’re not happy with one of your workers, you can speak up for your rights.”
Leonie McLean, Inclusion Projects Worker, Council for Intellectual Disability
Your Service Your Rights cards
There are 19 Your Service Your Rights cards.
Each card tells a story about a person with disability who is using a service.
Some of the stories are about good service. Some of the stories are about bad service.
Reading and talking about the stories on the cards can help you understand what is good service and what is bad service.
Order your own free set of Your Service Your Rights conversation cards.
If you want to know more about speaking up and making complaints you can call
- Council for Intellectual Disability 1800 424 065
- NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission 1800 035 544
The Your Service Your Rights cards are supported through grant funding from the Australian Government.