How Jack uses his My Health Matters folder
I use the My Health Matters folder because of my disability.
If I don’t stay on top of my physical needs I could land in hospital.
I have to trust people with my life and I want to have all my information somewhere they can find it if I’m not well. I need them to know things about me during times I am not able to use my voice or I am not feeling strong.
I use the folder so I don’t have to explain myself all the time.
Below are some of the things I have put in my folder.
Things I do each week
This image shows an example of what I do on Mondays and Tuesdays.As you can see Monday is a day off. Those coloured squares are stickers. The stickers come with your folder.
They say what I do, that I like to spend time with my family, friends and go on social media.
I am lucky and I’m OK at using my voice.I can also fully understand what is being said.
But there are lots of other boxes you can tick to show how you communicate.
You would be surprised how little people take notice of this and still only talk to my mum when I am at medical appointments.I like it when people talk to me.
I like it when people explain things in plain English so I can follow the conversation.
I like it when people look at me when they are talking with and about me.
I have said this in my My Health Matters folder.
Independence and respect
The My Health Matters folder helps me be independent.When I was in school I had spent years being told what to do, where to go. I was even told about my future, that I would only ever be the person…in a wheelchair…at a day program.
If only they could see me now!
I work for two universities and I am a project worker for Council for Intellectual Disability.
I am planning to move out of home in the next couple of months into an independent living apartment.
Naturally I am feeling excited!