What are all the disability commissions?
There are a lot of commissions that help people with a disability.
What do they all do?
Here is easy read information to help you understand.
The Disability Royal Commission
Lots of people with a disability say bad things have happened to them.
The Disability Royal Commission will listen to people tell their story about
- abuse
- neglect
- violence
They will tell the Government how to make things better.
The Royal Commission will go for 3 years.
The Royal Commission is for all Australians with disability.
The NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission
The Quality and Safeguards Commission wants to make NDIS services better.
You can tell them if you are not happy with a service provider.
This Commission has information about your right to
- good service
- choice and control
The Quality and Safeguards Commission is for everyone who uses the NDIS.
The Ageing and Disability Commission
This Commission is for people with disability and older people.
You can tell the Commission your complaint about abuse or neglect from
- family
- friends
- people you know in the community
The Commission will deal with your complaint.
It is only for people in NSW.
If your complaint is about a service provider you must contact the Quality and Safeguards Commission.
The Australian Human Rights Commission
The Human Rights Commission protects people from discrimination.
This commission upholds human rights.
There are 7 human rights Commissioners.
One of them is the Disability Discrimination Commissioner.
His name is Ben Gauntlett.
You can contact the Commissioner about your rights.
The Commissioner gives advice to organisations about the rights of people with disability.
The Human Rights Commission is for all Australians.
If you want more information about these Commissions, please call us on 1800 424 065.
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