What is self-isolation like?
Shu Hua Chan, our Chairperson, spent 2 weeks self-isolating. We talked to her about her experience.
How did you find out you needed to self-isolate?
I go to the Lidcombe Catholic Club. The Club manager called me. He said that I have to do the test, because I was at the club the same time as a staff member with Covid.
I was told that I had to isolate for 2 weeks.
Straight after they called me, I went to get tested.
I was very worried.
I was afraid that I would be positive.
Tell us about the test
I had to go at exactly the time I was given. I could not go earlier or later.
They tested both my throat and nose.
It hurt a bit and was uncomfortable.
I felt very worried about getting tested and I was very worried about the result.
I had to wait one day for the result. The waiting was difficult for me.
They texted me the result.
It was negative, which means I did not have Covid.
But I had to stay in isolation.
NSW Health told me I had to get tested two times. At the beginning and again after 2 weeks.
NSW Health called me every day to check in and to see if I have symptoms. They are nice on the phone.
Were you able to get good info that you understand?
No, the information on health is not very accessible.
They told me to download and fill in a form. But this is very difficult for me and for many other people, like elderly or people who do not speak English very well.
They let me to do it over the phone, which was good. But they need to do this differently.
The forms should be accessible and the information should also be in Easy Read.
What did you do while in isolation?
I was very bored.
I watched a bit of You Tube. I like Chinese movies and sing-a-longs. The songs are from the 80’s, from my youth and they make me happy.
I did a lot of cleaning. While in isolation you need to find something to do to keep you busy.
I also sorted out my WhatsApp so I can see people when I talk to them. I was so happy about that. Video calls are great. Staying in touch with people is important when you are in isolation.
Did you try something new?
I found this lady on You Tube. She blends all these nuts and adds water and drinks it. It’s very healthy and good for you.
I tried it with peanuts. You can use different kinds of nuts. Cashews are good, too.
What did you miss doing while you are in isolation?
I missed my grocery shopping. I love food and going to restaurants.
I missed going to see friends. I missed talking to people.
How did the second test go?
I was so excited when I got back my second test result and it was also negative!
I felt so good because I knew I could go out again and go back to work.
I couldn’t wait!