Jobs + Education

People with intellectual disability can face discrimination and inequality in education and the workplace.

We want people with intellectual disability to have equal opportunities for good education and a meaningful career.

Work gives me a reason to get up in the morning. It makes me feel good. You feel like you’re wanted, not left out in the cold. You belong.

What CID thinks about jobs and education

Education needs to work for all students, including those with intellectual disability.

Everyone deserves a workplace where they can contribute and feel included and respected.

Read our response to the Disability Royal Commission Final Report section about employment.

What we are doing

CID runs projects to support people with intellectual disability and their employers.

More than Just a Job

Through our More than Just a Job project we offer training and support for people with intellectual disability to find and keep a job they enjoy. We also train employers on how to better support people with intellectual disability.


Inclusion Works

Inclusion Works is an initiative promoting inclusive employment practices for people with intellectual disability in NSW councils.  As local leaders, councils have a unique opportunity to set an example for the community. We offer free training and support to councils to implement their inclusive employment priorities.


We can work with your organisation to

  • Upskill your employees to develop Easy Read content
  • Get practical guidance on inclusive practice within the workplace
  • Translate your organisation’s policies and procedures so your staff have equitable access to employment information


Campaigns we have fought about jobs and education for people with intellectual disability

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