Council for Intellectual Disability working through COVID-19
Hello everybody, I am Shu Hua Chan, Chairperson of CID.
Although COVID-19 has been a very serious time for everyone, CID has worked really hard to keep doing all our work.
Staff have been working from home and working with members online.
We are very proud of all our members who have been learning new skills to join in.
Knowing how to use the internet is really important for everyone.
We don’t want people with intellectual disability to be left out.
We can see that people can do many jobs from home. Hopefully this will be a good thing for people with disability who sometimes cannot get jobs because employers say they cannot work from home.
At the beginning of COVID-19 many people with intellectual disability were very scared. CID has really helped people to understand what is going on and what they need to do to stay safe.
We have also made podcasts talking to people with intellectual disability about their experiences of COVID-19.
CID has done excellent work in projects including More Than Just a Job and a Leadership Project working with peer groups.
In the Inclusion Point project we made information guides to make sure really important information is accessible for people with intellectual disability.
CID has been doing lots of advocacy in the last year about public transport and health. Members and staff gave evidence about the health system at the Disability Royal Commission.
I want to say thank you to all our members, board members and staff for doing such a good job.