A thumbnail for the Conversation Cards.

Supported Decision Making Conversation Cards (all sets and instructions)

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Supported Decision Making Conversation Cards

May 2023

These are sets of cards to help you talk with your supporters.

They were made to help you make more of your own decisions.

There are six sets of cards. You can download all the cards and instructions here (PDF).

You can also download each set on its own here

The cards can help you talk with your supporters about your life.

Work together to communicate about decision making and have fun doing it!

How to use it

You and your supporters can use the cards to

  • Learn about your decision making rights
  • Have open conversations
  • Build trust
  • Have fun

There is info in each set of cards to help you use them.

There is also a Supporters Guide (PDF) for your supporters.

You can use them with one supporter or with groups of people.

You can use them in places like schools, workshops, peer and advocacy groups.

Printed cards

We will be printing cards soon. You will be able to order them from the website. We will announce when they are ready and how much they will cost on our eNews and social media.

For more information call us on 1800 424 065 or email sdm@cid.org.au.

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