

Public transport is often hard for people with intellectual disability to access.

We want transport services to consult people with intellectual disability so they can be more welcoming, safe, clear and inclusive.

Anthony's headshot

Transport is important to us because it is our ticket to the world.

What CID thinks about transport

Public transport is a popular way people with intellectual disability get around. We think it should be easier for them to access.

Read our position statement on transport.

What we are doing

Our members give expert advice to government and transport providers on how to improve their services for people with intellectual disability.

Our Advocacy Group has tested Sydney’s major public transport services. They have reported the issues they found and worked with transport providers.

We can work with your organisation to

  • Translate key documents into Easy Read
  • Conduct accessibility audits and focus groups
  • Train staff in inclusive practice
  • Create image and video content centred around people with intellectual disability

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