My health, my right: World Health Day 2024
April 7 is World Health Day.
The theme for 2024 is My health, my right.
The World Health Organisation tells us that at least 140 countries say health is a human right in their constitution.
But many countries have not made laws to make sure their people have access to health services.
This means people are missing out on their rights.
What are your health human rights?
Everyone has the right to access good health services and information.
You have the right to:
- Safe health care without any discrimination.
- Keep your health information private and only share the information with people you can trust like your doctor.
- Accessible information about your treatment.
- Be supported to understand your body and your health.
- Be supported to make your health choices. You can say ‘yes’, ‘no’ or ‘I do not know’ about your health choices.
Health is a human right!
See these health human rights on a poster.
Read more about intellectual disability health rights from our partners at 3DN.
What CID is doing

CID is working hard to promote health care for people with intellectual disability that is
- inclusive
- accessible
- puts the person at the centre
Online training for health workers

We have made online health training for health workers to learn about:
- reasonable adjustments
- inclusive communication
- communication tools
- behaviour as communication
- consent
- decision making in health and virtual care.
Our free online learning, Just Include Me, is available to complete now.
Communication resources
We make resources to improve communication between people with intellectual disability and health workers.

Our My Health Matters folder and My Health Cards can support you to:
- Communicate better with health workers,
- Be empowered and included,
- Have accessible health information,
- Be supported to make health choices.
Find more health resources here.
Decision making in healthcare
An important part of having health rights is being supported to make your own decisions.
Everyone needs support to make decisions.
This support can come from family, friends, professionals or other people in the community.

People can also be supported to make decisions by changing things around them to make it easier.
This can include things like having information in Easy Read or having extra time to think about it.
Sometimes people may want to give something a go before making a decision.
Supported decision making is important because it is about what people want and need for their own life.
See our supported decision making resources here.